
Cumberland Christian School

Cumberland Christian School is the Christian school outpatient for both male and female in the city of Austell, Georgia State.

School is accredited by Certifying Organizations of the Georgia Nongovernmental Education and the Association of International Schools. In addition, high school graduation diploma is certified with “quality certification” by the certifying organization of the Georgia nongovernmental educational. With this certify, students who graduate with excellent results can be assured a scholarship the Hope Scholarship and the parents do not have to worry because this is the standard to meet the national education quality. Every year, there are about 100 indigenous students and 15 international students to enroll in the school.
Living Environment

School is situated in the city of Austell, Georgia State, near the main city of Georgia, Atlanta State. There are many attractive activities in Austell and Atlanta neighborhood like visiting the aquarium, museums, markets, joining in the game at Braves and Turner Field, enjoying concerts and entertaining in the Performing Arts Center and festivals throughout the year. Climate in Austell is typically hot, humid and warm, but occasionally having typical chilly winters of the southern United States. Summer temperature can reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit and in the winter is below 50 degrees F.

Studying Costs
Total of costs is 29,000 USD per year including tuition, accommodation, care and guardianship but not including insurance.
Each student will be stayed with a native family who is carefully chosen in Austell and the surrounding area.
Extracurricular activities
Students at the school will be participated in some extracurricular classes including Angel Tree Christmas, Athletic Teams, Program Band, Choral Music Program, Community Service Opportunities, Fred Jordan Event, Mission Trips to Inner Cities, Student Leader- ship Teams, Study Trips to Science Camp, Catalina, New York City, Washington, DC and Europe.


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