A few weeks ago, I went to Durban for my uncle's 60th birthday. There were over 200 people in attendance so, needless to say, I hadn't seen some people for many years.
If you've read any of my other "annoying things" rants, then you know that people in Durban grind my gears. There must be something in the water that makes people say things that are just not okay. A brief snapshot:
Scene 1:
Dad's friend: So you're still training? When are you going to stop?
Me: Never, it's a part of my life now.
Dad's friend: But you've reached your peak. Aren't you getting obsessed now?
Scene 2:
Mom's friend: You look so beautiful, I can't get over it. You look like a completely different person!
Scene 3:
Aunt: So how's your diet going?
Me: (at this point starting to lose my cool) I'm not on a diet.
Aunt: But you know what I mean, are you still on your eating plan?
Me: I'm not on an eating plan, this is my life. I eat like a normal person.
Aunt: Well you still look good so you must still be on your eating plan.
Scene 4:
Everyone: You mustn't lose any more weight now.
Did I ask for your damn opinion?
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