
Tips to avoid coughs and colds

Everyone still seems to be coming down with a cough, cold or even the flu. But you can avoid the snuffles, by putting our Top 10 tips into action
1.Think green.

Dark green leafy vegetables, like kale, greens and spinach, Vitamin C and E all help your body fight infections and boost your immune system.
- Find lots of tasty recipes with spinach and kale
2. Don't be a sinner.

Smoking and drinking may be enjoyable for many of us, but they won't help you fight off an infection. Smoking means you're more likely to get a sore throat, while wine and beer will attack your liver and it will take longer for any germs to leave the body.
- Find tips on how to stop smoking
3. Chill out.

Stress is a huge factor in staying healthy, so if you can cut out the things that get you all knotted up, then you're less likely to catch a cold.
- More information on stress and how to beat it
4. Go for a curry.

Turmeric and ginger are both common ingredients in curries and research has shown that they can help to boost your immune system and protect against infections.
- Try one of our great curry recipes
5. Make a fruit cocktail.

If eating lots of fruit sounds like hard work, why not rustle up a fruit juice. Oranges, limes, strawberries, blackberries and apples are all packed with immune-boosting nutrients and can really help fight off sniffles.

6. Have a wash.

We're not saying you smell! Washing your hands is one of the best and easiest ways of stopping viruses getting to you.
- Get expert advice about hand washing
7. Get up and out.

We're not suggesting that you start training for the London Marathon, but getting regular exercise, even if it's a 20-minute walk to the shops, will help. Working your body increases its natural defences and reduces the chances of getting ill.
- More easy exercise tips on goodtoknow.co.uk
8. Think like the French.

Garlic can be a real turn-off to some people, but it is one of the most powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral nutrients around. If you find the taste too strong, you can always take it in tablet form.
- More recipes and tips for garlic
9. Get some sleep.

While you're under the duvet and your brain is having a rest, your body is using the time to recharge and fight off any infections.
- More information on insomnia and tips for a good night's sleep
10. Watch a funny movie.

It has been proved that laughter raises the levels of immune-boosting hormones in the blood, that help to fight infections. Laughter really is the best medicine.
- Talk about what makes you laugh with others


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