One out of every two men and one out of every three women will be diagnosed with cancer.
Cancer treatment actually is very complex and part of the reason is because cancer is this constellation of over two hundred different diseases. They have common characteristics but they're all very different from each other. In addition to that, the cancer itself is not homogeneous. There may be three or four or five or six different slight variations in the cancer cells that are there. People ask why? Why does my cancer not go away? It shrunk by seventy percent. What's wrong with the other thirty percent? Well it's probably a different sub type of that cancer which is going to require a different kind of treatment. There are three primary therapies for cancer. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Surgery works by directly removing the tumor. Radiation therapy provides x-rays to kill individual cells and the chemotherapy provides chemicals that can kill those individual cells. But they have side effects. The best therapies that we can produce really are the result of optimizing the amount of tumor that we can kill by any treatment and minimizing the amount of damage that we cause to the normal cells that would be affected by that treatment. At Cancer Treatment Centers of America, we have a very robust integrative oncology program. Integrative oncology is taking those conventional oncology treatments and integrating those with therapies like acupuncture, naturalistic medicine, chiropractic, nutrition. To blend those together and to create the most appropriate treatment plan for that individual patient at that moment in time. Cancer Treatment Centers of America has invested in a model in which all of the effects of cancer and its therapy are aggressively treated and managed. It's not just enough to kill the cancer, if we don't treat the pain, the fatigue, the depression, or the anxiety that comes with a diagnosis of cancer. Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be a frightening thing. The good news is that today is probably the most exciting time in history in terms of the treatment of cancer. Options that didn't exist a few months ago certainly didn't exist a few years ago, like the ability to genomically profile a tumor, and to take that individualized fingerprint of that cancer may direct us to tailor treatment in very specific ways. We believe that in the future, many more patients with a number of different tumor types will potentially be able to benefit from the advances in precision medicine. There are very hopeful options that are available to us as clinicians to make a difference in patients lives and it's therefore just as important for patients to know that, so they have those hopeful options and they take advantage of them.
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